Canteen, laundry and hygiene centre
These centres also provide assistance in various areas of self-care and home care to pensioners who are no longer able to carry out these activities on their own due to their health condition.

When am I entitled to these services?
Canteens, laundries and professional hygiene centres are provided for all those who need their help. Mainly:
- pensioners after retirement age,
- people with adverse health conditions,
- severely disabled.
How do I start using these services?
If you are interested in any of these services, you must contact the city/municipality where you live. Vyplníte žiadosť o poskytovanie sociálnej služby, a obec vám buď začne služby priamo poskytovať, alebo vás nasmeruje na správneho poskytovateľa pomoci.
You will need to enclose with your application a certificate of income for the current calendar year and a doctor’s statement about your health.
How much do these services cost?
The provision of these services is partly paid for by the state, but you will have to pay a certain amount for each provision. You can find out the exact amounts for each service at the municipal office.
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.