Financial contributions
Inflation - Subsidy
The one-off inflation subsidy is provided by the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR) to mitigate the negative effects of inflation on low-income households.
General partner
Conditions of entitlement
A cash allowance will be granted if:
- The average monthly household income for the last six months preceding the month in which the application is made is no more than 1.81 times the minimum subsistence level.
- No member of the household received any assistance in 2022 in the form of a subsidy, an increase in the amount of benefits and allowances, or in the form of a 13th pension.
Amount of contribution
- The one-off subsidy is EUR 100.
Application for contribution
The application for the allowance is submitted in writing to the competent Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office according to the place of permanent residence of the applicant. The entitled person may also claim the allowance by electronic means and by a guaranteed electronic signature of the entitled person.
Obligations of the authorised person
The person to whom the allowance is granted is obliged to:
- Demonstrate the facts relevant to the grant of the allowance.
- Notify the competent authority in writing within 8 days of changes in the facts relevant to the duration of the entitlement.
Extinction of entitlement
Entitlement to the allowance ceases if:
- The allowance has been wrongly granted or is no longer fit for purpose.
- The facts relevant to the duration of the entitlement change.
- The date of death of the person to whom the allowance was granted.