I need help outside the house
Guide service and pre-reading service

Guide service Provides accompaniment to medical appointments, official business, to and from school, to and from work, and for leisure activities. Pre-reading service provides pre-reading services for official business, personal or official correspondence and shopping.
When am I entitled to a parade/reading?
Persons entitled to these services are:
- blind, or practically blind;
- with intellectual disabilities.
Guiding and pre-reading services are not provided to persons:
- providing a cash allowance for personal assistance;
- who are already provided with accompaniment and pre-reading as part of the care service.
How to start using the guide and pre-reader service?
If you are interested in these services, you must contact the city/municipality in your place of residence.
Your request will be dealt with individually and you will be informed of the conditions and times for these services.
How much does the guide and pre-reader service cost?
The price of services may vary from municipality to municipality.
Each service has its own set price, which you can find out at the municipal/municipal office or at the social services facility.
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.