
Orphan's pension

This benefit is intended to provide an income for a dependent child who has lost a parent or adoptive parent. It is a regular benefit paid out of the parent’s/adopter’s old-age or disability insurance. The purpose of the orphan’s pension is to provide the orphan with an income in the event of the death of his or her parent (or both) or adoptive parent.

General partner 

Who is entitled to an orphan’s pension?

You are entitled to a pension if you are a dependent child who has lost a parent or parents, or an adoptive parent. It will be paid if:

  • the deceased parent/guardian was in receipt of an old-age pension at the date of death, invalidity pension or was entitled to an early retirement pension,
  • at the date of death was not in receipt of one of these pensions, but has acquired a number of years of pension insurance required to qualify for an invalidity pension,
  • was not in receipt of any of the above pensions at the date of death, but fulfilled the conditions for entitlement to an old-age pension,
  • the parent/carer has died as a result of an accident at work or occupational disease.


If both parents/guardians die, you are entitled to a pension for both of them.

If the child was in foster care, he or she is not entitled to an orphan’s pension after the deceased foster parent.

When is a child considered dependent?

Orphans’ pensions are paid only to dependent children.

Dependent child means:

  • A child who is studying until the end of compulsory schooling. After the end of compulsory schooling, this can be up to the age of 26 if still studying.
    Whether a child is in full-time or part-time education does not affect entitlement to the benefit.

  • A child whose illness and health condition require special care (according to Annex 2 of the Social Insurance Act) and who cannot study or cannot engage in gainful employment.

  • A child whose long-term adverse health condition prevents him/her from studying or is unable to engage in gainful activity.

An orphan is entitled to an orphan’s pension if he/she is considered a dependent child even if he/she is married or has a child of his/her own, or if he/she has moved away from a living parent.

When is a child not considered dependent?

If a child who is studying, i.e. continuously preparing for a profession, but has already obtained a second-level higher education qualification. This means that he or she has completed a master’s, engineering or doctoral higher education programme and has therefore obtained an academic degree.

If the child receives a disability pension due to a reduction in earning capacity of more than 70%.

How much will my pension be?

The amount of the orphan’s pension is 40% of the old-age or invalidity pension to which the parent/guardian was or would have been entitled.

If the deceased parent was an early retirement pension recipient, the amount of the orphan’s pension is 40% of the early retirement pension to which the deceased was entitled.

How do I apply for an orphan’s pension?


You can find your nearest branch here.

You can book online, by phone or in person at a branch.


If you need help with anything, a member of staff at the insurance office will be able to help you.

Children aged 15 and over can apply on their own, and a legal guardian must apply for children under the age of 15.


Payment and remittance of pension


If the insured person writes an application for an old-age pension, he/she shall indicate directly in the application that he/she wishes the pension to be paid in cash.

No special request!

Such an informal request shall be sent by already received by the pensioner if he/she wants to change the method of payment – the pension is paid into a bank account but he/she wants it to be paid in cash by post.

The application must state your exact residential address.


The pension shall always be paid to a pensioner who is in custody or serving a custodial sentence through the custodial institution or prison.

What documents are needed to apply for an orphan’s pension?

Identity card

ID card/passport of the child or legal guardian


Proof of the dependency of a child (orphan) who has left compulsory school

Opinion of the medical assessorif your health is unfavourable and you are unable to continue your studies or are unable to engage in gainful activity

Opinion of the medical assessor

If your health is unfavourable and you are unable to continue your studies or are unable to engage in gainful employment

Confirmation of school attendance

If you are studying at a secondary or higher education institution in Slovakia (and the school provides data on students to the Ministry of Education’s information system), you only need to provide the school’s address. If you are studying abroad, you must submit an application for a study assessment.

If the deceased parent/guardian was not yet in receipt of a pension and was working, you must also provide

Proof of the deceased parent’s education

Or the adopter’s (school leaving certificate, school leaving certificate, diploma) or the school’s confirmation of when – until when his/her studies, which have not been completed, lasted

Military booklet

(in the case of a man) or a document issued by the relevant military administration certifying the duration of military service,

Employer’s confirmation of the period of employment before 1 May 1990

In countries with which the Slovak Republic has not concluded an interstate social security treaty

The following documents are required if the orphan or deceased parent was born, lived or died abroad

Death certificate of parent/guardian

If he was a foreigner or died in a foreign country

Your birth certificate

Children’s birth certificates

If the deceased parent was a foreigner, or if the children were born abroad

The decision of the competent authority on the basis of which the child has been taken into substitute care

Death certificate or extract from the civil registry

In the case of the death of a child before the age of 18, if the deceased parent was a foreigner or if the child died abroad

Proof of the duration of the period during which the child was in the care of another person

Whether institutionalized (only if seeking recognition of child custody or parenting time).

Can I work or receive another pension alongside my orphan’s pension?

You can work and receive a pension if you also meet the conditions for a dependent child mentioned above.

You may also receive another pension, an invalidity pension due to a reduction in earning capacity of less than 71% or a widow’s/widower’s pension. The exact details of the payment of the combination of pensions can be found in on the website of the Social Insurance Institution.

For more information please visit:

Assessment of study abroad for the purposes of health insurers, social security and employers.

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