Widow's and widower's pension
This pension is paid to a widower/widow after the death of a spouse. It is normally paid for 2 years, but if you meet certain conditions, you may be entitled to it after this period.

Who is entitled to a widow’s/widower’s pension?
Entitlement to a widow’s/widower’s pension arises on the death of one of the spouses. Nezáleží pritom na dĺžke manželstva, na spolužití v jednej domácnosti či deťoch.
However, the condition is that of the deceased spouse:
- was in receipt of an old-age pension, invalidity pension or was entitled to an early retirement pension at the date of death,
- was not receiving one of the above pensions at the date of death, but was eligible for an old-age pension,
- died as a result of an accident at work or occupational disease,
- was not receiving an old-age, early retirement or invalidity pension at the date of death, but had completed the number of years of pensionable service required to qualify for an invalidity pension.
Only legal spouses are entitled to a pension. You are not entitled to it if you are in a civil partnership or divorced before the date of death. Neither do joint children or property.
Entitlement to a widow’s/widower’s pension starts on the date of death of the spouse. In the case of a missing person, this is the date indicated as the date of death in the final court decision declaring the spouse dead.
When does the pension stop being paid?
Your entitlement to a widow’s/widower’s pension ends if you remarry.
Your entitlement to a widow’s/widower’s pension will end if you cease to meet any of the conditions for payment of the pension mentioned below after the 2-year period has elapsed. However, you may be reinstated if you meet the conditions again.
If the death of the spouse is found to have been caused intentionally (by the spouse committing a criminal offence), the pension entitlement ceases on the date of the final court decision. In the same way, you lose your right to a widow’s/widower’s pension if you divorced your spouse before his/her death.
How much will my pension be and how long will I receive it?
You are usually entitled to a pension payment 2 years after the death of your spouse.
This period may be extend indefinitelyif you meet at least one of the following conditions:
- You are caring for at least 1 dependent child of the deceased (who is entitled to an orphan’s pension), or a child who was brought up by the deceased;
- You are entitled to a full invalidity pension (more than 70% reduction in your ability to work)
- You have raised at least 3 children;
- You have raised 2 children and are over 52 years old;
- You have raised one child and are over 57 years old;
- You have reached retirement age.
If you do not apply for a pension within 3 years of your spouse’s death, the pension will be time-barred! The right to payment of the widow’s/widower’s pension is time-barred three years after the date for which the widow’s/widower’s pension was due.
The amount of the widow’s/widower’s pension is 60% of the spouse’s pension.
However, if you are entitled to another pension at the same time, you will be paid the higher of the two pensions and half of the lower one.
The widow receives her own retirement pension of €600 and her husband’s widow’s pension of €350. The social insurance company will pay her 100% of the old-age pension (€600) and 50% of the lower widow’s pension (€175).
How do I apply for a widow’s/widower’s pension?
You can find your nearest branch here.
You can book online, by phone or in person at a branch.
If you need help with anything, a member of staff at the insurance office will be able to help you.
Payment and remittance of pension
If the insured person writes an application for an old-age pension, he/she shall indicate directly in the application that he/she wishes the pension to be paid in cash.
No special request!
Such an informal request shall be sent by already received by the pensioner if he/she wants to change the method of payment – the pension is paid into a bank account but he/she wants it to be paid in cash by post.
The application must state your exact residential address.
The pension shall always be paid to a pensioner who is in custody or serving a custodial sentence through the custodial institution or prison.
What documents are needed to apply for a widow’s/widower’s pension?
Identity card
ID card/passport
Proof of marriage
Marriage certificate or extract from the marriage register (if the marriage was contracted abroad and is not registered in a special register office)
Partner’s death certificate
Athe spouse died abroad and the death is not registered in a special register.
Children’s birth certificates (if you are applying for recognition of custody)
If you have taken the child into substitute care, you must complete the decision of the competent authority taking the child into your care
If your child died before the age of 18
If you are a foreigner or your child has died abroad, you will need his or her death certificate or an extract from the registry office.
If the child has been in your care or in an institution
You need a document confirming the length of this period.
If your partner has not reached retirement age before you die, you will still need
Your partner’s school leaving certificate
For example, an education certificate, school leaving certificate or diploma.
Certificate of completion of compulsory school attendance
If this is necessary for the assessment of continuous vocational training; you will be asked to provide the document by an employee of the Social Insurance Institution.
Military booklet
Abecause the document confirming the length of military service.
Evidence of periods of employment and gross earnings
This only applies to periods of insurance and gross earnings that are not shown in the Insured Person’s Electronic Account (or EUP Statement). You can check what is already on your record in your Electronic Policyholder Account if you have one activated. Otherwise, you can request an EUP statement by calling freephone 0800 123 123, emailing podatelna@socpoist.sk, or in person at a branch of the Social Insurance Institution.
Confirmation from your employer
About the period when he worked before 1 May 1990 in countries that do not have a social security agreement with Slovakia.
Each application is considered individually, so the Social Insurance Office may ask you for additional documents.
Each application is considered individually, so the Social Insurance Office may ask you for additional documents.
Can I work or receive another pension alongside my widow’s/widower’s pension?
Yes, work does not affect your widow’s/widower’s pension.
You will only get your full widow’s/widower’s pension if you are not entitled to your pension . If you receive some other pension (e.g. old-age pension), you will receive the full amount of the higher pension. Half of the lower pension will be paid to you. If the amount of the pension you are already getting is less than the amount of the widow’s pension, you will get the full widow’s pension and half the amount of the other pension.
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