Leisure activities for seniors

Scheduled cultural and social events in your area can be found at inba.sk.
Organizations / Clubs in Bratislava region
Luna Creative Club
It offers a pleasant environment for creative activities in the centre of Bratislava, equipment with creative supplies and materials, good coffee, teas, homemade lemonades. In every season, the club deals with current themes and techniques in accordance with the seasons. They make seasonal decorations, gifts, decorate Easter eggs, paint on silk or with iron ons, and more. Website: https://www.klubluna.sk/
Seniors on the move
Seniors in Motion is a civic association whose goal is to expand activities for seniors that will be associated with movement and active old age. They offer lonely seniors the opportunity to meet other peers and belong to a community of seniors. Website: https://seniorivpohybe.sk/
Still good
It is a non-profit organization and prepares cultural, educational, sports and entertainment activities for seniors throughout the year. Sports activities and various cultural events are very popular among the activities on offer. Guided tours of the city, galleries, nature walks and a wide range of sports activities from Nordic walking to yoga and petanque are also popular. Website: https://www.staledobri.sk/
Active Ageing: https://search.app/DmkJmAQqm9CUtJKQ7