Financial contributions
Allowance for severely disabled
Living with a severe disability is very difficult financially – which is why the state tries to help them in all areas. In addition to various services, this is for example also through many allowances.

Who is entitled to these allowances?
A disabled person is defined as someone who the degree of functional impairment of the physical faculties, sensory faculties or mental faculties exceeds 50 %. Taktiež musí predpokladaný negatívny vývoj trvať dlhšie ako 12 mesiacov.
However, each case is considered on its own merits and the decision to pay the benefit must be made by the Office of Social Security and Social Affairs in your place of residence.
What types of allowances are available to you?
There are 2 types of contributions: one-off and regular.
One-off contributions
- Allowance for the purchase of aids (crutches, wheelchair, adjustable bed, etc.),
- Allowance for training in the use of the aid,
- Allowance for modification/repair of the aid,
- Allowance for the purchase of lifting equipment,
- Allowance for the purchase or repair of a motor vehicle,
- Allowance for alterations to your flat, house or garage.
Repeated posts
- Personal assistance allowance,
- Transport allowance,
- Allowance to compensate for increased expenses,
- Attendance allowance.
One-off contributions
Lump-sum benefits help you to cope with the increased costs of many disability-related issues – from medical equipment to home adaptations.
Types of one-off contributions
This post is for the purchase of a medical device (for example, a wheelchair, electric scooter, adjustable bed, etc.), adapting the aid customisation or training in its use.
The following shall be considered as aids:
- An item of technological equipment that enables a person with a disability to carry out activities that, without its use, he or she would not be able to carry out on his or her own or would place an excessive burden on him or her,
- Special software or software updates for the use of computers and other technical equipment,
- Personal motor vehicle (for the purpose of training in its use),
- Dog with special training (guide, assistance, signal dog).
Who is entitled to the allowance?
You will receive the allowance if:
- A person with a disability is referred for an aid or an adaptation according to a comprehensive assessment,
- The aid is not provided or loaned under public health insurance, except for certain types (second mechanical wheelchair, second electric wheelchair, second hearing aid),
- ÚPSVaR decides whether to grant the allowance, and the decision is final.
You can also receive an allowance for more than one aid/training with a aid (if you qualify for each), or for a device that will be used by more than one person.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The maximum amount of the contribution is € 8 630,42.
For a second mechanical trolley, a maximum of €1 659,70.
For the second electric trolley, a maximum of €4,979.09.
For a second hearing aid, a maximum of €331.94.
The amount of the allowance is determined by the price of the aid and the income of the person with a disability.
How do you need to use the allowance?
The use of the contribution is monitored. If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- That you have used the allowance to purchase the aid, repair the aid or undergo training with the aid within 3 months of the grant (or within 12 months at the latest),
- If it is not possible to buy or modify the aid within the time limit, you must provide a confirmation of this fact,
- You must prove the facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Inform within 8 days of any changes that would affect entitlement to the allowance.
If you sell, donate, lose or damage the device before the end of 7 years (10 years for the second device), you must return the allowance. If the allowance has not been used for this purpose, the Labour Office can claim the allowance as a claim in the inheritance proceedings on death.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification and the medical report on the basis of which you are claiming the allowance. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. If the basis is a medical opinion, the decision shall be issued within 30 days, or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This allowance is intended for the repair of a medical device (for example, a wheelchair, an electric scooter, an adjustable bed, etc.) or the treatment of a dog with special training.
The following shall be considered as aids:
- An item of technological equipment that enables a person with a disability to carry out activities that, without its use, he or she would not be able to carry out on his or her own or would place an excessive burden on him or her,
- Special software or software updates for the use of computers and other technical equipment,
- Personal motor vehicle (for the purpose of training in its use),
- Dog with special training (guide, assistance, signal dog).
Who is entitled to the allowance?
The allowance is granted to a person with severe disabilities if:
- Is the person, according to the comprehensive assessment, referred to a device that requires repair,
- The aid is not provided or loaned on the basis of public health insurance (with exceptions for a second mechanical wheelchair, a second electric wheelchair, a second hearing aid),
- The cost of the repair (including all previous repairs) is no more than 50 % of the allowance granted for the purchase or modification of the device or the price of a comparable device on the market.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The amount of the allowance is determined by a percentage based on the cost of the repair and the income of the person with a disability.
How do you need to use the allowance?
The use of the contribution is monitored. You can use it to:
- Repair aids,
- Repairing the adjustment aids,
- Repair of modifications to a passenger motor vehicle,
- Repair of lifting equipment.
Repair of the device includes:
- Replacement of malfunctioning or worn parts,
- Repair of parts with an exceeded service life,
- Checking the functionality of the lifting equipment
- Interventions on modified parts of the device or vehicle,
- Surgery or medical therapy activities on a dog with special training.
If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- That you have used the allowance to repair the aid within 3 months of the grantwithin 12 months at the latest,
- If it is not possible to repair the aid within the time limit, you must provide a certificate of this fact,
- You must prove the facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Inform within 8 days of any changes that would affect entitlement to the allowance.
If the allowance has not been used for this purpose, the Labour Office can claim the allowance as a claim in the inheritance proceedings on death.
How to apply for a grant?
4. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The request must include a justification for the repair of the device. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This contribution will help you to provide the necessary lifting aids to improve the mobility of people with severe disabilities – lifting platforms, ramps or stairlifts.
The lifting devices are:
- Stairlift
- Jack
- Inclined stair platform
- Vertical stair platform
- Elevator/lift
- Ceiling lifting device
Who is entitled to the allowance?
The allowance is granted to a person with severe disabilities if:
- A person with a disability is referred to a lifting device according to a comprehensive assessment,
- Lifting equipment is not provided or loaned under public health insurance and is not comparable to equipment provided by public health insurance,
- A person with a disability is not provided with a year-round residential social service (with exceptions).
You are not entitled to the allowance if:
- the disabled person’s income exceeds five times the minimum subsistence amount,
- the equipment was purchased before the date of the comprehensive assessment.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The maximum amount of the grant is € 11 617,88. The amount is determined by a percentage rate depending on the price of the lifting equipment and the income of the disabled person.
How do you need to use the allowance?
The use of the contribution is monitored. You can use it to:
- Purchase of equipment including accessories,
- Installation of equipment and structural modification, if required for installation and operation. In this case, the allowance is granted if the disabled person resides in the dwelling or family home where the modification is made.
If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- That you have used the allowance to repair the device or to undertake training with the device within 12 months of the grant,
- If it is not possible to buy the device for reasons on the part of the manufacturer or dealer, you must provide proof of this within 3 months,
- You must prove the facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Inform within 8 days of any changes that would affect entitlement to the allowance.
If you sell, donate, lose or damage the device before the 7 years are up, you must return the allowance. You must return the device to the entity that provided the loan for its purchase.
If your condition changes and the device can no longer help with your problems (or you no longer need it), you can return the working device.
If the allowance has not been used for this purpose, the Labour Office can claim the allowance as a claim in the inheritance proceedings on death.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of theapplication
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification, a comprehensive medical opinion and evidence of the cost of the lifting equipment (invoice or pre-invoice from the supplier of the equipment or building modifications). We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The decision shall be issued within 30 days, or up to 60 days in special circumstances
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This allowance is for the purchase of a car (or other motor vehicle) that is used for regular transport of a person with a disability – to work, to a nursing home, etc.
Who is entitled to the allowance?
The allowance is granted to a person with a severe disability if the person with a disability:
- According to the comprehensive assessment, she is dependent on individual transport by motor vehicle,
- She is employed or demonstrates that she will be employed,
- Uses or will use a social service in a social services home, specialised facility, day care centre,
- Is or will be attending school (full-time or on an individual study plan),
- He will use the vehicle at least twice a week for transport to and from work, school or social facilities,
- He/she carries out his/her employment at the place of his/her permanent or temporary residence and uses a vehicle for transport in the course of his/her employment at least two days a week,
- Uses a weekly residential social service, and is transported to and from the social services home at least once a week,
- Several disabled people buy a private motor vehicle together.
- The Labour Office will issue a decision on the granting of the allowance, which will become final.
A person with a disability is dependent on individual transport in a private motor vehicle if is unable to use public transport due to:
- Severe mobility impairment.
- A mental disorder with frequently recurring symptoms of aggression or uncontrollable behaviour.
- Severe sphincter disorders.
You will not receive the allowance if:
- The vehicle you are buying is more than five years old,
- If the disabled person’s income exceeds five times the minimum subsistence amount,
- The vehicle was purchased prior to the comprehensive assessment.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The allowance shall be granted for on the basis of the price paid for the car (according to the invoice), up to a maximum of € 13 277,58.
A maximum of €16,596.96 can be granted for a vehicle with an automatic transmission (if the disabled person needs to modify the vehicle according to a comprehensive assessment and is entitled to drive it).
The amount of the allowance shall be is determined according to the price of the vehicle and the income of the disabled person, with a maximum vehicle price of €26 555,14. If he buys a more expensive vehicle, the allowance will be calculated only up to this amount.
If more than one person with a disability buys one vehicle, the amount of the allowance for each of them is determined by their respective share of the vehicle price, up to a maximum of €26,555.14.
You lose your entitlement if:
- It has been granted unjustly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The facts relevant to the claim change (e.g. the person with a disability is no longer disabled or the value of their assets exceeds €50,000),
- A person with a disability dies. Amounts due that have not been paid by the date of death will not be paid.
How do you need to use the allowance?
The use of the allowance is tracked, and you can only use it to buy a car.
If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- That you used the allowance to buy a car within 3 months of the grant. If it is not possible to buy the vehicle within the normal time limit for reasons attributable to the manufacturer or dealer, you must use the vehicle allowance within 12 months at the latest,
- Provide confirmation of the inability to purchase the vehicle within the time limit due to reasons on the part of the dealer,
- You must prove the facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Inform within 8 days of any changes that would affect entitlement to the allowance.
If the allowance has not been used for this purpose, the Labour Office can claim the allowance as a claim in the inheritance proceedings on death.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification, a comprehensive medical report (to be made no more than 60 days after the start of the procedure) and evidence of the cost of the car (invoice or pre-invoice). We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly at the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This allowance is for adapting a car (or other motor vehicle) to allow a person with a disability to drive and transport themselves independently.
Who is entitled to the allowance?
The allowance is granted to a person with a severe disability if the person with a disability:
- According to the comprehensive assessment, she is dependent on a personal motor vehicle with adaptations,
- Owns or co-owns a passenger motor vehicle, or plans to purchase an adapted passenger motor vehicle, and provides proof of ownership or co-ownership of the vehicle no later than 12 months after the grant is granted.
The allowance can also be granted for several modifications to a passenger carif you meet the conditions for each of them.
A person with a disability is dependent on individual transport in a private motor vehicle, if he or she is unable to use public transport due to:
- Severe mobility impairment.
- A mental disorder with frequently recurring symptoms of aggression or uncontrollable behaviour.
- Severe sphincter disorders.
You will not receive the allowance if:
- It is a modified vehicle more than five years old,
- If the disabled person’s income exceeds five times the minimum subsistence amount,
- The vehicle was purchased/modified prior to the comprehensive assessment.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
An allowance for the modification of a personal motor vehicle shall be granted according to the actual cost of the modifications (documented by an invoice), up to a maximum of EUR 13 277,58.
You can receive the allowance several times for different modifications, and the total sum of the allowances granted must not exceed €13 277,58 over a period of seven years.
How do you need to use the allowance?
The use of the allowance is tracked, and you can only use it to modify your vehicle.
If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- that you used the allowance to modify your car within 3 months of the grant. If it is not possible to modify the vehicle within the normal time limit, you must use the allowance within 12 months at the latest.
- Provide confirmation of the impossibility of modifying the vehicle within the time limit,
- You must prove the facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Inform within 8 days of any changes that would affect entitlement to the allowance.
You lose your entitlement if:
- Before the seven years are up, you sell or donate the modified vehicle,
- You do not use the adapted vehicle for individual transport,
- You cannot prove ownership or co-ownership of the vehicle within 12 months of the decision becoming final.
If the allowance has not been used for this purpose, the Labour Office can claim the allowance as a claim in the inheritance proceedings on death.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification, a comprehensive medical report (to be made no more than 60 days after the start of the procedure) and evidence of the cost of the car (invoice or pre-invoice). We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly at the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This grant is intended to adapt the property in which the disabled person lives to be wheelchair accessible, and to facilitate movement, orientation and access.
Who is entitled to the allowance?
The allowance is granted to a person with a severe disability if the person with a disability:
- A person with a disability is referred for a home, house or garage adaptation according to a comprehensive assessment,
- The person with a disability resides in the apartment or family home or owns a garage, or the garage is part of a rental apartment and is not part of a year-round residential social service,
The allowance will also be granted if several disabled people share a flat, house or garage.
You won’t get the allowance if:
- The income of a person with a disability exceeds five times the minimum subsistence amount,
- The adjustments were made prior to the entry into force of the decision on these contributions.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The amount of the cash allowance is determined by a percentage rate based on the cost of the modification and the income of the person with a disability.
You will receive a maximum allowance of €13 277.58 for the renovation of your flat or family home.
For the modification of the garage in the amount of € 1 659,70.
You can receive your next allowance after the previous allowance has been settled.
How do you need to use the allowance?
The use of the contribution is monitored. You can use it to:
- Adaptation of a house, flat and garage to a barrier-free building so as to increase the ability of a person with a disability to move, orientate, communicate or provide self-service,
- Removing barriers to facilitate the relocation of a person with a disability,
- Modification of the accessories of the apartment or family house.
The adjustments are:
- Alterations that modify an existing fixture in a dwelling, single-family home or garage,
- Modifications to the entrance and access to the apartment building, family house and garage,
- Modifications to the access to the elevator in the apartment building.
The adjustment is not:
- The construction of a new building or facility, such as a bathroom, toilet, gas, sewer, water supply,
- Replacement/repair of existing equipment due to wear and tear and exceeding its useful life.
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- That you used the allowance to modify the building within 9 months of the grant. If it is not possible to make the alterations within the normal time limit, you must use the allowance within 12 months at the latest.
- Submit proof of cost (pre-invoice) and invoice for the contribution within 30 days of completion of the modifications,
- Submit confirmation of the impossibility of modifying the structure within the specified time period,
- You must prove the facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Inform within 8 days of any changes that would affect entitlement to the allowance.
You lose your entitlement to the allowance and must repay it if:
- Adjustments or clearance have not been made within the deadlines,
- Modifications have not been made to the extent indicated in the Comprehensive Assessment,
- Within 7 years of making the alteration, you change your permanent residence or cease to occupy the property for which the allowance was granted.
If the disabled person dies before the start of the construction work, or the contribution has not been used for this purpose, the Labour Office can claim the contribution as a claim in the inheritance proceedings on death.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification and a comprehensive assessment. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
Repeated posts
Regular contributions help you manage the everyday costs of living with a severe disability. The state will help you with care, transport and the increased cost of food or clothing.
Types of recurring contributions
This allowance is intended to reward a person who is a personal assistant to a person with a severe disability. This can be a family member or a professional.
Personal assistance is help for a person with a disability to carry out activities provided by a personal assistant:
- Activation of a person with a disability,
- Promoting its social inclusion,
- Promoting independence and decision-making,
- Assistance with work, education and leisure activities.
Who is entitled to the allowance?
A person with a disability who is dependent on personal assistance. Rozsah osobnej asistencie závisí od zoznamu činností, ktoré si osoba s ŤZP nemôže vykonávať sama, a od potrebného počtu hodín.
A maximum of 7 300 hours of personal assistance can be provided per year. Personal assistance can be provided for a maximum of 10 hours per day, except when the disabled person
is away from his/her permanent or temporary residence.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The amount of the allowance is calculated as the number of hours of personal assistance used per year, multiplied by the rate per hour of personal assistance – € 5.83. The allowance is reduced by the amount of the increase in the pension for inactivity. The amount of the allowance is not affected by the disabled person’s other income.
Who can provide personal assistance?
A personal assistant can be a natural person over the age of 18 with legal capacity. A family member may provide personal assistance for a maximum of 4 hours per day, and only for selected activities. The assistant is chosen by the person with a disability and may have more than one assistant.
A personal assistant cannot be a person who needs help themselves in the activities they are required to carry out, nor a parent of a child under 18, a professional parent, a guardian of a person with a disability or a person who has taken custody of a child on the basis of a court order.
A personal assistant carries out activities on the basis of a written contract between the person with a disability and the personal assistant or personal assistance agency. The contract shall specify the type and scope of the activities, the period of performance, the rights and obligations, the remuneration and method of payment, and the grounds for withdrawal from the contract.
Read more details on insurance and taxes for personal assistants (or family members who choose to care for them) can be found at the website of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification of the request for contribution. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
More information: https://www.employment.gov.sk/sk/rodina-socialna-pomoc/tazke-zdravotne-postihnutie/penazne-prispevky/pp-osobnu-asistenciu/
This allowance helps people with disabilities who are dependent on individual car transport with the costs associated with transport.
Who is entitled to the allowance?
A person with a disability who needs to be transported by car is entitled to the allowance, especially if:
- Severe mobility impairment cannot use public transport,
- Mentally disturbed with aggressive or uncontrollable behavior cannot use public transportation,
- Severe sphincter disorder cannot use public transportation.
The allowance is not granted, in particular if:
- A person with a disability receives an allowance to run a private motor vehicle,
- The disabled person is the owner or keeper of a private motor vehicle,
- The income of a person with a disability exceeds five times the minimum subsistence amount.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The allowance shall be granted on the basis of documented transport costs (receipts) and the income of the person with a disability. The most you are entitled to per month is €137.19, which is 51.02% of the minimum subsistence amount.
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
If you have received an allowance, you must inform the office:
- For transportation expenses for each calendar month by submitting receipts,
- To prove the facts relevant for the granting, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Notify the Authority within 8 days of any changes to the entitlement to the allowance.
You lose your entitlement if:
- It has been granted unjustly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The person with a disability ceases to qualify for the benefit (e.g. the person with a disability is no longer disabled or the value of their assets exceeds €50,000),
- A person with a disability dies.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification of the request for contribution. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account on the basis of proven costs. It shall always be paid for the previous month and may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
More information: https://www.employment.gov.sk/sk/rodina-socialna-pomoc/tazke-zdravotne-postihnutie/penazne-prispevky/pp-prepravu/
This allowance helps family members who are caring for a person with a severe disability.The carer must help the person with a disability to:
- self-care tasks,
- household care,
- implementing social and educational activities.
Who is entitled to Attendance Allowance?
The allowance may be granted to a person who cares for a person with a disability aged over 6 years (who is dependent on care) and is a family member (spouse, parent, child, sibling, but also daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc.) or lives in the same household as the person.
You are not entitled to Attendance Allowance if:
- A person with a disability receives a cash allowance for personal assistance,
- A person with a disability receives care for more than 8 hours a month,
- A person with a disability uses a weekly or year-round residential social service (except in a shelter, halfway house or emergency housing).
You will lose your entitlement if:
- It has been provided wrongly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The facts relevant to entitlement to the allowance change (e.g. the value of the disabled person’s assets exceeds €50,000),
- The disabled person dies (in this case you will get the benefit for the month in which they died, plus one more month).
Can you look after a person with a disability?
The care must be carried out by an authorised person who:
- She’s of age,
- He has legal capacity,
- She is physically and mentally able to nurse,
- Has written consent from the person with a disability.
If you care for a person with a disability, the state will pay your pension insurance for you, especially if:
- You are not insured for other reasons,
- You are not receiving an early retirement or invalidity pension and have not reached retirement age.
How much allowance are you entitled to?
If the care is provided by a person of working age:
- 569,00 € per month for caring for one person with a disability,
- €756.80 per month when caring for two or more disabled people.
You can increase this amount by up to €100 per month if the person you care for is a dependent child and the carer has no employment income or pension.
If the care is provided by a pensioner:
- €426.75 per month for caring for one person with a disability,
- €567.60 per month for caring for two or more disabled people.
Your allowance may be reduced if:
- If the disabled person’s income is more than twice the minimum subsistence amount,
- A person with a disability receives an increase in their pension due to inactivity.
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
The person receiving the allowance must:
- To prove facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Notify changes to eligibility within 8 days,
- To inform the authority about the provision of respite services, employment, staying in a health care facility or upgrading qualifications.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification of the request for contribution. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
More information: https://www.employment.gov.sk/sk/rodina-socialna-pomoc/tazke-zdravotne-postihnutie/penazne-prispevky/pp-opatrovanie/
This allowance helps people with severe disabilities who have a special diet ordered by a doctor with the cost of their food.
Who is entitled to the dietary allowance?
A person with a disability who is assessed by a doctor is dependent on dietary food because of an illness or disorder listed in Annex 5 of the Act .
You are not entitled to the meal allowance if:
- The person with a disability uses a year-round residential social service (except for a shelter, halfway house, emergency housing, supported housing or social services for a period not exceeding 30 days),
- The income of a person with a disability exceeds three times the minimum subsistence amount.
You will lose your entitlement if:
- It has been provided wrongly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The facts relevant to entitlement to the allowance change (e.g. the value of the disabled person’s assets exceeds €50,000),
- The disabled person dies (in this case you will get the benefit for the month in which they died, plus one more month).
How much allowance are you entitled to?
You will receive monthly:
- 49,91 € (18,56 % of the minimum subsistence amount) for the diseases listed in Group I.
- €24.96 (9.28% of the minimum subsistence amount) for diseases listed in Group II.
- €14.98 (5.57% of the minimum subsistence amount) for diseases listed in Group III.
If a person with a disability needs a dietary allowance for more than one illness from different groups, the allowance will be provided according to the most costly diet.
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
The person receiving the allowance must:
- To prove facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Notify changes to eligibility within 8 days.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification for the claim and a medical report. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This allowance makes it a little easier for people with disabilities to cope with the increased costs that come with their disability and specific needs – especially the costs of personal hygiene and the renewal of everyday personal and household items.
Who is entitled to this allowance?
A person with a disability who, according to a comprehensive assessment, needs compensation for increased expenses.
You are not entitled to the allowance if:
- The person with a disability uses a year-round residential social service (except for a shelter, halfway house, emergency housing, supported housing or social services for a period not exceeding 30 days),
- The income of a person with a disability exceeds three times the minimum subsistence amount.
You will lose your entitlement if:
- It has been provided wrongly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The facts relevant to entitlement to the allowance change (e.g. the value of the disabled person’s assets exceeds €50,000),
- The disabled person dies (in this case you will get the benefit for the month in which they died, plus one more month).
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The monthly amount of the allowance is €24.96 (9.28% of the minimum subsistence level for an adult).
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
The person receiving the allowance must:
- To prove facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Notify changes to eligibility within 8 days.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification for the claim and a medical report. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This allowance is intended to alleviate the costs associated with a car or other motor vehicle used by a person with a disability and is primarily intended for fuel.
Who is entitled to this allowance?
Person with a disability who owns or holds the vehicle (or must be transported by a person who is not authorised to carry out transport), and at the same time :
- Needs individual transportation for work, educational, family or civic activities,
- She is enrolled in a chronic dialysis or transplant programme or is receiving cancer treatment.
You are not entitled to the allowance if:
- The person with a disability uses a year-round residential social service (except for a shelter, halfway house, emergency housing, supported housing or social services for a period not exceeding 30 days),
- The income of a person with a disability exceeds three times the minimum subsistence amount.
You will lose your entitlement if:
- It has been provided wrongly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The facts relevant to entitlement to the allowance change (e.g. the value of the disabled person’s assets exceeds €50,000),
- The disabled person dies (in this case you will get the benefit for the month in which they died, plus one more month).
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The monthly amount of the allowance is €44.91 (16.70% of the minimum subsistence level for an adult).
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
The person receiving the allowance must:
- To prove facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Notify changes to eligibility within 8 days.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification for the claim and a medical report. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
This allowance is intended to alleviate the costs associated with an assistance dog used by a person with a disability and is primarily for food and veterinary care.
Who is entitled to this allowance?
A person with a disability who:
- She is dependent on an aid, which is a guide, assistance or signal dog,
- According to the comprehensive assessment, she is entitled to compensation for expenses related to the care of a dog with special training.
You are not entitled to the allowance if:
- The person with a disability uses a year-round residential social service (except for a shelter, halfway house, emergency housing, supported housing or social services for a period not exceeding 30 days),
- The income of a person with a disability exceeds three times the minimum subsistence amount.
You will lose your entitlement if:
- It has been provided wrongly or has ceased to fulfil its purpose,
- The facts relevant to entitlement to the allowance change (e.g. the value of the disabled person’s assets exceeds €50,000),
- The disabled person dies (in this case you will get the benefit for the month in which they died, plus one more month).
How much allowance are you entitled to?
The monthly amount of the allowance is € 59.88 (22.27 % of the minimum subsistence level for an adult).
What obligations do you have once you have received the allowance?
The person receiving the allowance must:
- Take your dog for an annual veterinary check-up,
- Submit proof of veterinary examination to the Labour Office by the end of December of the calendar year,
- To prove facts relevant to the award, amount or payment of the allowance,
- Notify changes to eligibility within 8 days.
How to apply for a grant?
1. Submission of the application
Print and complete make an application for a contribution or pick up a form at the Office of Employment and Social Affairs. You can also apply electronically if you have a certified electronic signature.
The application must include a justification for the claim and a medical report. We recommend that you ask for the necessary documents and certificates directly from the office to be sure.
2. Decision of the Authority
The decision on the allowance shall be made by the Authority on the basis of a written application. The basis shall be a comprehensive assessment. The decision shall be issued within 30 days or up to 60 days in special circumstances.
3. Payment of the allowance
The allowance is paid in cash or directly into an account based on information from the application. It may be paid directly into the account of the person or another designated person.
More information: PRIDAT LINK