Important information
Provides important contacts and resources for seniors. Includes support and counseling for seniors, help with legal and social problems, as well as crisis hotlines and psychological support. It also includes information on crime prevention and contacts for domestic violence helplines. In addition, the section offers contacts to various organisations that provide social and health assistance to seniors.

Support and counselling for the elderly and disabled
Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
The Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities provides support, advice and assistance to seniors and to persons with disabilities and their families. He monitors the rights and protection of the interests of persons with disabilities.
Commissioner Zuzana Stavrovská
Address: administrative centre Reding Tower 2, Račianska 153, 831 54 Bratislava 35 Email: info@komisarprezdravotnepostihnutych.sk Phone: +421 2 20 42 03 09, +421 911 269 021 Website: komisarprezdravotnepostihnutych.sk
Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Rights of the Elderly and the Adaptation of Public Policies to the Ageing of the Population
The Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Rights of the Elderly and the Adaptation of Public Policies to the Ageing of the Population proposes, coordinates and monitors measures aimed at the rights of the elderly and the elimination of the negative consequences of the ageing of the population. The Council follows on from the work of the Committee for the Elderly , which was an expert body of the Human Rights Council of the Government. The Committee on the Elderly was transformed into the Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic on the Rights of the Elderly and the Adaptation of Public Policies to the Process of Ageing of the Population by Government Resolution No. 17/2014 of 8 January 2014. The Council cooperates with
- ministries and other central government bodies,
- local and regional authorities,
- NGOs,
- scientific departments and academic institutions.
Mgr. Viera Becková
- Secretary of the Slovak Government Council for the Rights of the Elderly and the Adaptation of Public Policies to the Ageing of the Population
Address: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic; Špitálska 4, 6, 8, Email: viera.Beckova@employment.gov.sk Phone: +421 2 20461825 Website: gov.sk
Elderly Aid Forum – National Network
The Forum for the Help of the Elderly is dedicated to the protection of the rights of the elderly, provides advice and assistance in the field of social care, and organises activities and projects to promote active ageing and the integration of the elderly into society. The Forum operates a free Seniorline on 0800 172 500, which provides free advice and assistance to senior citizens in risky life situations and in the protection of their rights.
Senior Line (Seniorlinka)
- Contact: +421 800 172 500
- Help: a free telephone helpline for the elderly, providing counselling and psychological support for older people in various life situations.
Ľubica Gálisová, President
Address: 24 Záhradnícka Street, 971 01 Prievidza Email: forumlubica@gmail.com Phone: +421 46 542 03 49 Website: forumseniorov.sk
Mental health
Mental Health League
The League for Mental Health SR provides help with mental health problems and crises through the Nezábudka Helpline (0800 800 566), which is free, anonymous and available 24 hours a day.
Helpline Nezábudka
- Help: the Nezábudka Helpline is an important source of help for those who find themselves in a difficult situation and need support and guidance. It provides support and help to people in need, especially those suffering from mental health problems or in crisis situations. It is an anonymous and free service that offers emotional support, counselling and information about other help options.
The Nezábudka Helpline operates under the auspices of the Mental Health League of the Slovak Republic, which is dedicated to improving the mental health of the population and raising awareness of mental illness. The helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is for anyone who needs immediate help or support in challenging life situations. Clients can contact the Nezabudka Helpline by phone or online. Helpline staff are trained professionals who can provide the help and support needed and, if necessary, recommend next steps or specialists to address specific problems. Email: info@dusevnezdravie.sk Phone: 0800 800 566 Website: dusevnezdravie.sk
Crime and prevention
Crime against the elderly
Information offices for victims of crime
- Website: prevenciakriminality.sk
- Map with contacts to aid providers: Victims of crime – Google My Maps
- They provide information, legal and psychological counseling to victims of crime, including seniors.
List of information offices for victims of crime
Information Office for Victims of Crime Banská Bystrica Štefánikovo nábrežie 7, 974 01 Banská Bystrica Detached workplace Lučenec Republic Square 26, 984 36 Lučenec Tel. no: 0961/605 790 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Bratislava Tomášikova 46, 831 03 Bratislava Detached office Malacky Záhorácka 2942/60A, 901 26 Malacky Tel. no: 0961/046 014 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Trnava Kollárova 8, 917 01 Trnava Detached office Dunajská středa Korzo B. Bartóka 789/3, 929 01 Dunajská středa Tel. no.: 033/556 47 09 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Nitra Štefánikova class 69, 949 01 Nitra Detached office Levice Rosemary Street 4, 934 01 Levice Tel. no: 037/654 93 24 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Trenčín Hviezdoslavova 3, 911 01 Trenčín Detached workplace Prievidza Gustáv Švéni 3H, 971 01 Prievidza Tel. no: 032/741 12 50 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Žilina Janka Kráľa 4, 010 01 Žilina Detached office Ružomberok Andrej Hlinka Square 74, 034 01 Ružomberok Tel. no: 041/511 74 25 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Prešov Levočská 3, 080 01 Prešov Detached office Poprad Nábrežie Ján Paul II. 16, 058 44 Poprad Tel. no.: 051/708 24 58 |
Information Office for Victims of Crime Košice Comenius 52, 040 01 Košice Detached office Michalovce Freedom Square 1, 071 01 Michalovce Tel. no: 055/600 14 45 |
The Information Offices can also be contacted via the general
email address: pomocobetiam@minv.sk
Contacts in case of domestic violence
- Women Experiencing Violence Helpline: +421 800 212 212 The national toll-free, non-stop helpline is a safe space, provides crisis support and all the information you need.
- Domestic violence reporting line: 0800 300 700 and special e-mail address: tyranie@genpro.gov.sk
- The website: bezmodrin.sk, provides help to women and children experiencing domestic violence, offering legal and social counselling, psychological support and shelter.
Senior citizens’ organisations, Civic associations and religious organisations
Unity of Pensioners in Slovakia (JDS)
Protection of seniors’ rights, organisation of leisure and educational activities, social and health assistance. Address.
Senior.sk offers information and advice for seniors and their families, provides up-to-date information on social events and offers an overview of events. The information platform is operated by OZ Bagar. Website: senior.sk
Slovak Catholic Charity
Slovak Catholic Charity provides a wide range of social services, including care for the elderly. It offers social service homes, home care, support for lonely seniors and other programs aimed at helping the elderly. Email: info@charita.sk Phone: +421 2 5443 1506 Website: charita.sk
Slovak Red Cross
Provision of social services, medical assistance, humanitarian activities, assistance to lonely and sick seniors. Email: sekretariat@redcross.sk Phone: +421 2 571 023 01 Website:redcross.sk
Association of Christian Seniors of Slovakia
The Association of Christian Seniors of Slovakia organizes spiritual, cultural and social activities for seniors, provides social support and assistance in solving everyday problems. They publish the magazine “Generations”. Address: Šafárikovo námestie 77/4, 811 02 Bratislava (representation in each region) Email: seniorizks@gmail.com Website: https://seniorizks.sk/
The League for Seniors is supported by
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