AGEL Košice-Šaca Hospital can boast another success in the field of orthopaedics. Roman Totkovič, M.D., Chief of the Department of Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine at the UPJŠ LF, is the only one in Slovakia to implement this unique surgical technique. The new method brings a solution for many diagnoses on the leg, does not leave scars and significantly shortens the recovery time. Orthopaedic patients with foot deformities have the opportunity to undergo surgery at AGEL Košice-Šaca Hospital using a new unique surgical method. It is a revolutionary technique, which has not yet been implemented elsewhere in Slovakia. The technically demanding operation requires training and good theoretical knowledge. It is the only one performed by an experienced surgeon specializing in foot and ankle orthopaedics, Roman Totkovič, MD, primary surgeon at the Department of Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine at the UPJŠ LF. The surgical procedure is performed using a cutter that is inserted through the skin via a millimetre incision.
“In this way, the bone can be sawed or milled and also moved to a new position. The bone is then fixed with a screw through a small incision in the skin,” MUDr. Roman Totkovič describes the procedure of the new surgical technique. The method allows to operate on halluxes and many other diagnoses. “We can solve almost all deformities of the forefoot such as bunions, hammer toes and fallen arches, as well as diabetic foot and Achilles tendon problems. We can also use this minimally invasive method for conditions where open surgery would not even be possible,” states the primary. The advantages of the new technique compared to other surgical procedures are soft tissue sparing, seamless bone healing, much less patient pain, and the time factor. “
Surgery for a fallen arch and finger deformity is reduced from three-quarters of an hour to an hour to a few minutes. Sometimes, on the other hand, the surgery can take longer, for example, in bunion surgery. However, the significant advantage is less damage to the soft tissues,” explains the orthopedist. Another benefit of the surgery is the fact that most scars are almost invisible after this operation. Only a few millimetres of scar is present, which arises from the need to insert a screw. Thanks to the new technique, the patient’s recovery time is also significantly reduced. Depending on the type of procedure, approximately a third of the time. “Operation is suitable for everyone. If the procedure can only be done through the skin, we can use this technique on any patient. Even in cases where open surgery would not be possible. The method, of course, continues to evolve. It is dependent on technical advances in special milling machines and fixing materials, where we still have a lot of progress to make in the future. In a few years’ time, such operations will certainly be common and standard in many workplaces,” concludes the head of the Department of Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine at the UPJŠ LF.
And what is the patient experience? “A diagnosis of hallux valgus (bunions) runs in the family. My sister had it operated on years ago. Apart from her, several other people I know have had it too. They all discouraged me from having the procedure because it is very painful and the condition tends to come back after a while. The chief surgeon was recommended to me by colleagues who had also had the operation in the classical way. I was informed that it would be a side incision of a few centimetres, 6 to 10 stitches and a recovery time of about two months,” talks about the original expectation of Mgr. Emília Matiašová. “I didn’t find out that I had been operated on with a different method until after the procedure. I was very pleasantly surprised when, at the first check-up, I saw only 4 small holes instead of a long scar, which were almost invisible a few weeks later. My thumb was aligned and best of all, it was completely painless. The condition immediately after the surgery and the subsequent recovery. I only took analgesics for about one day, even then only as a precaution,” shares the enthusiasm of a satisfied patient. She did not know about the possibility to undergo the procedure by other than classical surgical technique . „Šla som do toho s tým, že to síce pretrpím, ale bude to stáť za to. Výsledok však prekonal očakávania. Som maximálne spokojná a odporúčam to každému. S pánom primárom som už konzultovala rovnaký nález aj na druhej nohe,“ concludes Mgr. Emília Matiašová.