Health care near me

AGEL Clinic
AGEL Clinic is a specialized hospital with a polyclinic in Bratislava, focusing on musculoskeletal diseases, sports medicine, plastic and aesthetic surgery. It has a team of experienced doctors, nurses and physiotherapists who carry out their activities in premises with highly superior material equipment. Address: Jelacicová 8, 821 08 Bratislava Phone: +421 2/482 523 00 Website: agelclinic.sk
AGEL Chronicare
AGEL Chronicare focuses on long-term ventilation and intensive care for chronically ill patients. Patients in critical condition with varying degrees of impaired consciousness or fully conscious patients who are dependent on artificial lung ventilation for life are admitted here. In addition to comprehensive medical care, there is physiotherapy, nutritional therapy, occupational therapy and a range of follow-up therapies with a focus on achieving patient self-care and eventual return to life in accordance with the principles of basal stimulation. Address: Ružinovská 10, 821 01 Bratislava Phone: +421 902 584 140 Website: chronicare.agel.sk
AGEL Radiology
It is a workplace of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. It also performs minimally invasive procedures such as ozone therapy and periradiculotherapy . The radiology department is equipped with modern diagnostic and digital technology, which enables computer transmission as well as computer archiving of images. Address: Hospital of St. Cyril and Methodius, Antolská 11, 851 07 Bratislava Phone: 053 333 23 32 Website: radiologia.agel.sk
AGEL Hospital Bratislava
AGEL Bratislava Hospital is a rehabilitation hospital focused on the treatment of patients with acute and chronic sequelae. It provides care for patients with various neurological and orthopaedic diseases. The hospital is building the largest robotic rehabilitation centre in Slovakia, based on 10 state-of-the-art artificial intelligence-based devices that make neurorehabilitation more effective, motivating and fun. Address: Ďumbierska 3/I, 831 01, Bratislava Phone: +421 533 332 332 Website: nemocnicabratislava.agel.sk