Health care near me

AGEL Hospital Levoča
Currently, the hospital provides inpatient health care in 6 inpatient wards. The hospital also operates joint investigation facilities in clinical biochemistry, haematology, transfusiology and radiodiagnostics with a magnetic resonance imaging and CT scanning unit, which also performs minor interventional procedures such as punctures, biopsies and drains, a unique procedure in the surrounding area. The hospital also operates a pathology and anatomy department, a department of physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation, specialised outpatient clinics, provides overnight health care services, and operates a public and hospital pharmacy. Address: Probstnerova cesta 2/3082, 054 01 Levoča Phone: +421 53 3332 111 (contact person) Website: nemocnicalevoca.agel.sk
Dr. Vojtech Alexander Hospital Kežmarok
The hospital provides health care in seven departments and overnight care in the fields of surgery (general surgery, vascular surgery, traumatology, orthopaedics, otorhinolaryngology) and gynaecology. Outpatient care is provided in general medicine, outpatient emergency services for adults and for children and adolescents. The hospital also provides specialised outpatient care. Common examination and treatment components include radiology, sonography and CT scanning. The hospital also operates a public pharmacy AGEL Kežmarok in its premises. Address: Huncovská 42, 060 01 Kežmarok Phone: +421 524512 111 (client centre) Website: nemocnicakezmarok.agel.sk