Old-age pension
An old-age pension, or “pension”, is the income (money) that the Social Insurance Institution starts paying you when you reach retirement age and meet the other conditions. Find out how to apply for it and what to think about here.

When am I entitled to an old-age pension?
You are entitled to an old-age pension if you meet the following requirements:
- You have reached retirement age: retirement age is set by the state. It depends on the year of birth and, for parents, the number of children raised.
- You have paid pension contributions for at least 15 yearsA: You must have paid it in Slovakia or in another EU country (or a country with which Slovakia has an international agreement). If you have paid social insurance abroad, you are only entitled to a pension from Slovakia if you have paid social insurance in Slovakia for at least 1 year.
What will be my retirement age?
The retirement age is fixed by the state and depends on your year of birth. You can find the current retirement age for your year of birth on the Social Security website (if you don’t find it in the table, it is yet to be set).
For each child raised, parents can reduce their retirement age by 6 months (up to a maximum of 18 months), but only one parent can claim. Primarily the mother can always claim – if this is not possible (death, etc.), the father’s pension age can also be reduced.
How much will my pension be and how long will I receive it?
The amount of your pension is calculated by the Social Insurance Institution on the basis of your average salary, the number of days of the pension insurance period and the“current pension value” in force at the time of entitlement to the pension payment.
The method of calculating the amount of the old-age pension can be found on the website of the Social Insurance Institution in the section Calculation and examples | Social Insurance Institution (socpoist.sk).
You can view an indicative, i.e. indicative, pension amount in your Electronic Policyholder Account or find out the approximate value using the pension calculator.
Youwill receive an old-age pensionfor the rest of your life, and after your death your spouse is entitled to a widow’s/widower’s pension.
How do I apply for an old-age pension?
Valid ID and more. The full list can be found below.
If you have any problems or questions, a member of staff at the insurance officewill help you .
Your pension will be paid to you in the way you specify in your application, either by bank transfer, in cash via the Slovak Post Office or directly to a social services facility.
Payment and remittance of pension
If the insured person writes an application for an old-age pension, he/she shall indicate directly in the application that he/she wishes the pension to be paid in cash.
No special request!
Such an informal request shall be sent by already received by the pensioner if he/she wants to change the method of payment – the pension is paid into a bank account but he/she wants it to be paid in cash by post.
The application must state your exact residential address.
The pension shall always be paid to a pensioner who is in custody or serving a custodial sentence through the custodial institution or prison.
What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension?
Identity card
ID card/passport
Evidence of periods of pension insurance
Evidence of periods of pension insurance: you do not need to bring the documents that are registered in the Electronic Insurance Account (EUP), but fill in the ones that are not registered in the EUP. You can find them under the tab for unrecorded periods in the section Preparing for retirement. You can check what is already on your record in your Electronic Insured Person’s Account, if you have it activated. Otherwise, you can request an EUP statement by calling the freephone number 0800 123 123, emailing podatelna@socpoist.sk, or in person at a branch of the Social Insurance Institution.
Evidence of completion of education
School leaving certificate, school leaving certificate, diploma or school certificate on the length and duration of studies, documents on the completion of compulsory school attendance, if requested by a Social Insurance Officer.
Evidence of military service
Men also have proof of compulsory military service or a military booklet.
Employer’s confirmation of the period of employment before 1 May 1990
In countries with which the Slovak Republic has not concluded an interstate social security treaty.
Children’s birth certificates (if you are applying for recognition of custody)
They are only required if you are a foreigner or the child was born abroad and was not registered in a special registry. If such a child died before the age of 18, a death certificate is also required.
Proof of foster care (if you are applying for recognition of custody of the child)
If you have taken the child into foster care (or other care replacing parental care), you will also need a decision from the competent authority to take custody of the children. If the child has been in the care of another person or institution, you will also need to provide proof of the duration of that period (only if you are applying for recognition of custody or guardianship).
Confirmation from the competent institution of periods of insurance abroad
If you were insured abroad, you need an assessment of your entitlement to the minimum pension. This will be done by the Social Insurance Office on the basis of certificates and receipts for the amount of pension paid from abroad.
Completed and bank-certified form
“Application for transfer of pension benefits to the pensioner’s bank account”, if the insured person requests to transfer the pension in this way.
For more information on the necessary documents, see the Social Insurance Office website.
How to apply for an old-age pension | Social Insurance Institution (socpoist.sk)
Can I work alongside my old-age pension?
Contacts (Social Insurance Office)
Telephone contacts on weekdays from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Toll-free line: 0800 123 123 (if you have only worked in Slovakia),
Lines for calls from abroad: +421 906 171 931, +421 2 3247 1931
Toll-free line: 0800 500 599 (if you have also worked abroad)
Other lines for calling from abroad: +421 906 171 965, +421 2 3247 1965
Branches: https://www.socpoist.sk/pobocky