The website provides information about available health services and facilities of AGEL SK, which provide quality and affordable health care. It includes an overview of specialised hospitals, polyclinics, rehabilitation centres and laboratories that offer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care.

The website provides information about available health services and facilities of AGEL SK, which provide quality and affordable health care. It includes an overview of specialised hospitals, polyclinics, rehabilitation centres and laboratories that offer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. In addition, you will also find articles on health topics that provide useful advice and information on prevention and maintaining good health. The aim is to promote a healthy lifestyle and provide support in dealing with health problems.
It is a private provider of health care for which the patient does not pay in the public health insurance system. As a result, within our AGEL network of healthcare facilities, affordable, high-level care is guaranteed for everyone. An integrated management model in economically stable healthcare facilities ensures that patients are accompanied and their journey is managed from diagnosis, through treatment, to follow-up care. Their hospitals, which are regional in nature, are building specialised departments and centres of excellence with modern medical equipment. Significant investments in medical facilities allow qualified specialists and top doctors to work with innovative medical technologies. Thanks to this, today they can do more than ever to save and improve the quality of a patient’s life.
AGEL Merea
AGEL Merea is the largest provider and leader in the transport medical service segment in Slovakia. It provides transport of patients through ambulances of transport medical service, which do not require urgent transport. It mainly transports mobile and immobile patients between medical facilities, dialysis patients, infectious patients, as well as BIO materials and blood derivatives. More information available on the web: merea.sk
AGELLAB laboratories provide laboratory medicine services in the fields of clinical biochemistry, clinical hematology and transfusiology, clinical microbiology and clinical immunology and allergy. The services of AGELLAB laboratories can also be used by self-payers who are interested in testing without a doctor’s recommendation. The laboratories offer packages of examinations in allergies and intolerances, civilisation diseases, prevention or lifestyle. More information available on the web: agellab.sk
A list of Agel health facilities can be found at this link – view list of facilities