Social assistance
How to apply for a social service

This general procedure is roughly applicable to all social services. Some may require extra documents or assessments – you can find information on the service’s website or by contacting the municipal or municipal office/private provider.
I am applying for a service provided by BBSK, what is the procedure?
If you are interested in a social services home, a specialized facility, a rehabilitation centre or a supported living facility, please contact the BBSK Office for Social Services using the following procedure:
Link to the form – can also be obtained directly from the BBSK Office
The application must state:
- personal data of the senior citizen;
- the type of social service the senior is interested in;
- the form of provision of this service (year-round, weekly, outpatient);
- handwritten signature
If a person is unable to sign the application due to his/her health condition, another person may sign the application based on the attending physician’s certification of the adverse health condition. The application must be accompanied by:
- a document from a doctor informing about the current state of health, not older than 6 months (professional medical opinion, discharge report…); in case of a request for an assessment in a specialised institution, a document of psychiatric or neurological examination must also be provided;
- a copy of the assessment of dependence on social services – if it has already been issued by the municipality or another local authority or it is possible to provide a copy of the assessment issued by the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family for the purpose of compensation for the consequences of severe disability, if it also contains an assessment of the degree of dependence;
- a copy of the court’s final judgement of disqualification (if any);
- a residence permit from the competent authority and a certificate from the employer or school if the application is made by a foreigner.
In person at the BBSK Office for Social Services during office hours:
Office hours of the BBSK Office | |
Monday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Tuesday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Wednesday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Thursday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Friday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
By post to the address of the BBSK Office:
BBSK Office
Námestie SNP 23, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Within 30 days from the date of registration of the application.
Delivered by registered mail and always in your own hands.
BBSK’s decision is valid 15 days after its delivery – if the senior does not appeal against the decision.
After a final decision on the need for social services has been issued, the senior fills out an Application for Provision of Social Services.
The application must state:
- personal data of a senior citizen
- the type of social service the senior is interested in
- name of the selected social service provider
- the place where the service will be provided, i.e. the location of the establishment
- the estimated starting date and time of the service
- handwritten signature
If a person is unable to sign the application due to his/her health condition, another person may sign the application based on the attending physician’s certification of the adverse health condition.
To the BBSK Office
if it is a facility that is either established by another municipality/region or a non-public social service provider. Together with the Application for the provision of social service , please submit a copy of the final decision on the need for social service and a copy of the assessment on the need for social service.
In person during office hours:
Office hours of the BBSK Office | |
Monday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Tuesday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Wednesday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Thursday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
Friday | 7:00 – 15:00 |
By post to:
BBSK Office Námestie SNP 23, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Directly to the device
if it is a facility established by BBSK or another public provider. Together with the Application for the provision of social service , please also deliver a copy of the final decision on the need for social service and a copy of the assessment on the need for social service.
always check the amount of the service charge:
- in the case of a non-public provider, the amount of the reimbursement for the service must be in accordance with the generally binding ordinance of the higher territorial unit
- in the case of a non-public provider, the amount to be paid for the service must be in accordance with a price list which must be published on the provider’s website. If it does not have a website, it must be in another publicly accessible place so that the senior can easily access it at any time.
BBSK provides the possibility of monitoring the current waiting lists of people waiting for social services in social service facilities established by BBSK – Link to waiting lists.
I am interested in another social service provided by BBSK, what is the procedure?
BBSK does not directly ensure the provision of interpreter services (in 2019 it was provided through an online application), but it is obliged to ensure its provision through a non-public provider.
If you are interested in interpreter services, the procedure is the same as for the provision of social services in the facility (see above), but you fill out directly the Application for the provision of interpreter services – A mandatory attachment is a certificate from a doctor confirming the disability.
BBSK has established the so-called Centres of Integrated Social and Health Care, whose aim is to enable seniors to live in their natural, home environment for as long as possible. CISZS provide services:
- basic social counselling (assessment of the current situation, suggestions for solving the unfavourable situation)
- mediation of lending medical devices (wheelchair, stairlift, positionable bed, oxygen generator, etc.)
- mediation of monitoring and signalling the need for assistance (monitoring bracelets)
- Accompanying seniors who need the help of another person (to the doctor, to the authorities and other institutions)
- mediation of field, outpatient and residential social services
- preventive activities for seniors (talks, lectures, group activities)
- arranging medical care (making an appointment with a doctor, overview of the network of specialist doctors)
- facilitating volunteering activities for seniors (building a network of volunteers and organising them)
CISZS are currently established in 4 micro-regions, but at the beginning of March 2024, the chairman of the BBSK Ondrej Lunter announced the ambition to expand the service to 140 municipalities, and thus a quarter of the region will be covered by it.
CISZS map:
If you are interested in support for independent living, specialised social counselling or social rehabilitation, you must contact the BBSK Office for Social Services directly, which will provide you with more information.
BBSK Office for Social Services
Námestie SNP 23,
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Office hours
Monday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thursday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
General contact: socialne@bbsk.sk Registry: podatelna@bbsk.sk Head of the Social Services Department: Ján Michalský, 048/432 56 66, jan.michalsky@bbsk.sk Specialist officer for social service mediation: 0940 946 556, 048/432 51 29, janka.bartova@bbsk.sk Specialist officer for post-assessment activities (Banská Bystrica, Detva, Lučenec, Poltár, Krupina, Veľký Krtíš): 0948 409 301, 048/432 55 90, katarina.luptakova@bbsk.sk Expert officer for post-assessment activities (Banská Bystrica, Brezno, Banská Štiavnica, Lučenec, Zvolen, Žiar nad Hronom, Žarnovica): 0948 134 384, 048/432 52 00, ivana.marcinkova@bbsk.sk
Assistance in the placement of citizens in social service facilities: 0940 946 556, 048/43 25 129, janka.bartova@bbsk.sk
Application for an assessment of dependence on a social service:
- in person at the office
- online at https://workdesk.bbsk.sk/Podanie/Zobraz
- City of BB form: https://cdn.banskabystrica.sk/2024/05/Ziadost-o-posudenie-odkazanosti-na-SS.docx
What to look out for when contracting a social service provider?
We recommend you clearly check, what services are included in the price, or what amount is extra.
The law determines which activities are paid for and which are provided free of charge. The price for the same type and the same range of activities within this service must be the same for all clients of a given provider; and the method of its calculation must be publicly accessible and comprehensiblefor applicants and recipients of social services. This does not mean that all citizens pay the same fee, as it also depends on the level of income and assets of the citizen. Prices may change in line with pension increases, but also increases in reimbursement by the municipality/city
and the municipality or non-public provider. Inflation, energy and food prices, and changes in wage levels also have an impact on reimbursement rates.
For certain other activities, such as medical rehabilitation, art therapy, you have to pay for yourself and enter into a separate contract with the provider to provide them.
For some facilities and services, you can choose to upgrade – for example, to exclusive room amenities, a larger room and a higher frequency of cleaning. There is usually an extra charge for upgrades, and its details must be included in the contract you sign.
The social service provider may not make the conclusion of the contract conditional on further payment or non-monetary consideration.