An important source of vitamin D is the sun. During the winter months, when it is deficient, the question is how to supplement it in winter?
According to AGEL pharmacy pharmacist PharmDr. David Ferko, vitamin D is a symbol of immunity because it activates the innate immune system and, together with its antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, it is a fundamental pillar in the body’s immunity against viral infections, respiratory tract infections, as well as in some bacterial diseases. “Vitamin D is therefore a good friend of man at any age,” said the pharmacist, who believes that vitamin D deficiency affects the majority of the population, especially in Central European countries. “In our latitudes, from about September to the end of February, the sun’s rays no longer contain UVB radiation, which is necessary for vitamin D production. However, we assume that the body is still supplied with the vitamin for a certain period after summer exposure, so it is not necessary to start taking vitamin D immediately at the first cold. Of course, a rich and varied diet is optimal. Supplementation of vitamin D in healthy people is only advisable from about October onwards in small doses (1000 IU). When the body is under stress (infectious diseases, stress, disturbed lifestyle), vitamin D doses of 2000 IU per day should be provided. The diet provides only about 10% of the required amount of vitamin D,” Ferko said, adding that the remaining amount must be created by the body itself or drawn from the reserves stored in adipose tissue and the liver.
How to monitor vitamin D levels in the body?
Vitamin D levels can be determined by biochemical testing of whole blood, which may be indicated primarily by an endocrinologist and rheumatologist. Vitamin D can also be determined by a general practitioner in indicated cases for selected insured persons. “At AGELLAB we offer Vitamin D testing also for self-payers, so that patients with suspected deficiency or excess of this vitamin can be easily, conveniently and affordably tested and adjust their lifestyle accordingly,” explains the Director of the AGELLAB Laboratory Department Ing. Elena Gabonova. An appointment can be made at https://www.agellab.sk/.