Social assistance
Help at home
If you can look after yourself at home, but could do with a few hours a day or a week of help from someone, there are services and facilities that will be ideal for you.

Home nursing service
The care service is suitable for those who need help (or supervision) with personal hygiene, eating or shopping. The service is provided in a home environment – a carer will come to your home for an agreed number of hours a day/week. Carers can help you, for example:
- with household care,
- make the necessary purchases,
- food preparation,
- cleaning,
- etc.
When do I qualify for nursing care?
The care service cares for people who are dependent on the help of other people with at least II. degree of dependence – i.e. they are dependent on help with self-care, household care and basic social activities.
The degree of dependency is calculated on the basis of several parameters from the social (within the competence of the city/municipality) and medical (within the competence of the doctor) assessment. You can get an overview from the questionnaire on the website of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.
You are not entitled to this service if:
- you use a year-round residential social service,
- you are being cared for by a natural person who receives a financial contribution for this. However, seniors are also entitled to care if they are cared for by a person who receives a financial contribution if they are also receiving residential care in a health care facility, respite care or nursing care (for up to 8 hours a month),
- a cash allowance for personal assistance is provided according to a special regulation,
- quarantine is ordered for suspected and confirmed communicable disease.
How do I apply for a care service?
If you are interested in these services, you must contact the town/municipality where you live. Ak máte prechodný pobyt, vyžaduje sa predloženie potvrdenia o prihlásení sa na prechodný pobyt.
The general procedure for applying for a social service can be found here.
How much does the care service cost?
The price of the municipal care service is set by the municipality and can be found at the municipal office or on your municipality’s website.
You can find prices for private care services on their website. The municipality will contribute to your private care according to your level of need(see exact amounts).
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.
Relief service
Thanks to the respite service, caregivers can take a break from the constant care. This “help” is designed to provide mental and physical relief for caregivers, and helps keep their own health in order.
When do I qualify for relief service?
You are entitled to this service if you are caring for a severely disabled person. You can use it, for example, for personal rest (holidays), to take care of personal affairs or if you are unable to take care of the person you care for yourself (illness).
Each year you are entitled to 30 days of relief service (or an aliquot part, depending on how many months of the year you care for). Once the application has been approved, the municipality will arrange another social service of the carer’s choice for the cared-for person (usually a residential social service), with the possibility of using it for 12 hours a day.
The days cannot be moved to the next year, a the use of the service is always calculated in full days – so even using the service for e.g. 3 hours will “miss” a whole day of the days you are entitled to.
The service provided can be a field service (the caregiver will come to your home), but also an outpatient or residential service (your ward will be placed in a social services facility for a given period of time).
How do I request a relief service?
The relief service is provided by your city/municipality. You should apply to your local authority well in advance (one month is recommended) for a respite service.
The general procedure for applying for a social service can be found here.
How much does a relief service cost?
The cost of the relief service depends on the form provided, but will be determined for you by the City. Your income level, property value and other parameters will determine how much of the cost of the service you will pay and how much the municipality will contribute to the relief service.
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.
Assistance in securing guardianship rights and responsibilities
This service is for the carer and the cared-for, and helps them mainly with legal and bureaucratic issues related to caring.
Assistance in securing guardianship rights and responsibilities is provided by:
- representation of a natural person in proceedings for the restriction of legal capacity or restoration of legal capacity,
- assistance in drafting petitions to the court to initiate proceedings for the restriction of legal capacity or restoration of legal capacity,
- provides social or other counselling to find appropriate ways of exercising the rights and legally protected interests of individuals who are unable to exercise and protect them,
- cooperation with institutions, labour, social affairs and family offices, courts and others before and during proceedings to restrict legal capacity or restore legal capacity,
- training for the performance of such acts by natural persons who wish to act as guardians.
When do I qualify for this service?
The person with severe disabilities and their carer are entitled to counselling.
How do I ask for help to secure my rights?
Contact the town/municipality where you reside.
How much does it cost to help secure your rights?
The price depends on the provider and is divided into tasks. Some of them may be free, for others you will pay units up to tens of euros.
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.
Lending medical devices
Do you need to borrow a special medical device (wheelchair, crutches, reclining bed, etc.) because of your health condition? Medical equipment rental companies will rent them for a reasonable amount, at least until you can get your own through your health insurance.
Who has the right to borrow medical devices?
This service is provided to persons:
- with severe disabilities,
- with an adverse health condition that requires the aid.
An individual with severe disabilities proves his/her dependence on the aid by means of an assessment issued by the competent Social Welfare and Family Labour Office for the purpose of compensating for the social consequences of severe disability.
The adverse health condition is proved by a doctor’s certificate stating that the individual is dependent on the use of a medical device.
How does medical device lending work?
The loan service provides aids for an agreed limited period of time, up to a maximum of until the aid is covered by public health insurance.
The aid is in the form of a cash grant for the acquisition of the aid according to a special regulation, from other sources or until the expiry of the conditions for the provision of the aid.
The following medical devices are mainly available for loan:
- bed mechanical,
- adjustable bed, electric,
- wheelchair,
- Toilet stool,
- walker,
- anti-disability mattress.
How do I apply for help with medical equipment loans?
In case of interest, please contact the town/municipality of your place of residence.
The general procedure for applying for a social service can be found here.
How much does it cost to rent medical devices?
Prices can be found on the website or in person at your nearest medical equipment rental shop. The state will contribute to your rental until you get your own device.
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.
Monitoring and signalling services
These tools (watches, SOS buttons, etc.) keep an eye on you and help you call for help in a crisis. They quickly connect you to an operator who sends emergency services directly to you if needed.
When do I qualify for a monitoring system?
You have the right to a monitoring or signalling system if your doctor’s opinion confirms that your health condition is adverse and may cause an emergency.
However, you must meet this condition for city/municipal services onlyyou can sign up for private monitoring services at any time.
How do I request a monitoring or signalling service?
If you are interested in these services, you must contact the town/municipality of your place of residence or the local authority. Ak máte prechodný pobyt, vyžaduje sa predloženie potvrdenia o prihlásení sa na prechodný pobyt.
The general procedure for applying for a social service can be found here.
In the case of private companies, you just need to contact them, you don’t need to fill in any applications.
How much does the monitoring and signalling service cost?
The price of the municipal MaS service is set by the municipality and can be found at the municipal office or on your municipality’s website. If the service is organised by a local authority, you can find out the prices on your local authority’s website.
Prices of private companies can be found on their website.
It is also possible to get a contribution from your municipality/city for a private monitoring service. You can find out the exact procedure for obtaining a contribution from your local authority, but usually you will need to fill in and submit an application form. The number of people who can receive a contribution may be limited, so check with your municipality for the exact application procedure.
For a list of providers of a specific social service in your region, see facilities section.